According to Radio Times, Steven Moffat has revealed what happened to Jenny, the Doctor’s daughter. The 2008 episode of Doctor Who, The Doctor’s Daughter, left many fans wondering what happened
Category: News
Princess Leia … I Mean General
According to Entertainment Weekly, Princess Leia’s title has changed from Princess to General. General Organa has taken on more of a leadership role in the new Republic. But there is
Terminal Star Wars Fan Daniel Fleetwood Passes Away
In sad news, the terminally ill Star Wars fan, Daniel Fleetwood, passed away. Fleetwood made headlines with his request to see Star Wars: The Force Awakens before the release date
Mariah Carey AS Commissioner Gordon in “The LEGO Batman Movie”
According to Deadline, Mariah Carey will voice Commissioner Gordon in the upcoming The Lego Batman Movie. Lego Batman’s popularity in The Lego Movie has vaulted him into his own movie. We already know several
Buffy Veteran Added to Supergirl
CBS’ Supergirl added Buffy television veteran, Emma Caulfield (Anya), to the cast. Caulfield will portray FBI Agent Cameron Chase. Chase dedicated her life to law enforcement after her father’s murder. She hunts
The Six Billion Dollar Man
“Gentlemen, we can rebuild him. We have the technology. We have the capability to make the world’s first bionic man. Steve Austin willbe that man. Better than he was before.
Some Theaters Ban “Lightsabers” & “Blasters” During Star Wars
With anticipation of Star Wars: The Force Awakens, some movie theaters have banned various Star Wars items from being allowed in the theaters. AMC and Cinemark has banned lightsabers, blasters, and masks.
Peter Capaldi Will Return for Season 10 of Doctor Who
According to Variety, the 12th Doctor, Peter Capaldi, will return for next season. Next year will be Season 10 of the new Doctor Who. Steven Moffat stated that “Peter Capaldi is
Russia/ESA to Colonize the Dark Side of the Moon
The Russian Federal Space Agency, aka Roscosmos, has the Moon in their sights. They plan on landing people on the moon by 2029. They will colonize the dark side of
Wookie Arrested Driving Darth Vader to Vote
In the Ukraine, police arrested a man in a Wookie suit for illegally campaigning on election day and driving without a licence. Stepan Chewbacca (legal name) drove Darth Alekseyevich Vader
Doctor Who- K-9: Time Quake Movie
Back in 1977, the Doctor introduced the world to the robot dog, K-9. The first appearance was in the serial, “The Invisible Enemy.” He was also featured in the spin-off
CBS’ Supergirl Big Rating Opening
I have read a ton of varying opinions on CBS’ Supergirl. Some people really enjoyed this première episode. For others, it wasn’t their thing. Some people criticized the writing and
Syfy’s Krypton News
According to Newsarama, Syfy’s series, Krypton, is still in the planning stages. Syfy seems to be dedicated to this series but hasn’t officially given it the green light. Krypton will be a
David Tennant & Billie Piper Will Attend Wizard World St. Louis
Big news for Doctor Who fans in the St. Louis area. Doctor Who’s David Tennant & Billie Piper Will Attend Wizard World St. Louis. My favorite Doctor power couple will
Passenger Bites Another Before Dying on a Plane
According to Fox News, Sunday Night’s flight of Aer Lingus from Lisbon, Portugal to Dublin, Ireland has a strange occurrence. A 24-year-old Brazilian man acted erratic and then bit another
Tomorrow Is Back to the Future Day!
The surprise hit of 1985 was Back to the Future. It came on the scene just in the nick of time (sorry, bad pun). It starred the television teen star
Underworld 5 Begins Filming with Kate Beckinsale & Theo James
The Vampires versus Werewolves versus Vampire/Werewolf hybrid movie series is back. This will be the fifth Underworld movie. Underworld: Next Generation is the rumored name for Underworld 5. The
Video: Are Alien Structures Causing Star KIC 8462852 to Dim?
We reported on the star KIC 8462852 a few days ago in an article here. Some people were theorizing that an alien structure like a Dyson Sphere could explain the
Floating City Above China- Another Internet Hoax?
On Friday news of a mysterious floating cloud city over China hit the internet hard and fast. It was all over Facebook. There were tons of articles from suspicious “news”
Star Wars: The Force Awakens Theatrical Poster
Here it is. The Star Wars: The Force Awakens Theatrical Poster is finally out. Star Wars: The Force Awakens is only two months away. Tickets for opening day go on