The Lego Movie was a huge hit. Part of the fun of the movie was Lego Batman. According to The Hollywood Reporter, a Lego Batman spinoff is in the works
Category: News
Henson Company Talks KOOL Geek Movies and Long Awaited Sequels
In an article with Variety, Lisa Henson, CEO of The Jim Henson Company, talked about some of their upcoming projects. She dropped some news that will excite many of the Geeky
New “SECRET WARS” in May 2015
At New York Comic Com, Marvel made a huge announcement. They announced their big crossover for 2015. They are taking us back 30 years to the Mega Hit Crossover,
The Walking Dead Renewed for Season Six
AMC’s hit series, The Walking Dead, has been renewed for Season Six. Season Five hasn’t been aired yet but the first episode is this Sunday. AMC is so confident in
Marvel Gives “Squirrel Girl” Her Own Ongoing Series
According to Entertainment Weekly, one of my favorite D-List comic characters is getting her own comic book Series. Squirrel Girl is fun comical character but she also has game. She
Marvel Cancels Fantastic Four Comics
The fine folks over at Bleeding Cool have received confirmation that Marvel is canceling their First Family of Marvel Comics, the Fantastic Four. There have been rumors and unconfirmed statements
RIP Saturday Morning Cartoons
It is a sad day in the United States. Today is the first Saturday in over 50 years where no cartoons were aired over the air Networks on a Saturday
Gotham Casts Harvey Dent
Fox’s TV Series, Gotham, continues to cast a variety of of known characters for this Batman prequel series. They have cast Nicholas D’Agosto, former Heroes cast member, as Harvey Dent. Harvey
Marvel and Kirby Family Settle Lawsuit
The Supreme Court was about to consider the lawsuit between Marvel and the Kirby Family. But just in the nick of time, the two sides found a way work out
NASA Telescopes Finds Water Vapor on Exoplanet
According to NASA, they have found an Exoplanet, HAT-P-11b, with clear skies and steamy water vaper outside of our solar system. It is a planet about the size of Neptune. Astronomers
Game News: Blizzard Cancels Titan
Blizzard is the making of the most popular MMO (Massively multiplayer online) game, World of Warcraft. They have been talking about a project to the next big thing for seven year.
CBS Swoops Up “Supergirl TV Series”
According to Variety, CBS has given the green light to the Supergirl Television series. You could say that CBS flew in and swooped up this series like a Superhero. Supergirl,
Launch America
NASA has announced they will be heading back into space. They had been relying on Russian spacecraft for missions to the International Space Stations but they will have their own
Greg Grunberg in Star Wars Episode VII
I saw the information on this from the Legion of Leia. Greg Grunberg has tweeted that he will have a role in the new Star Wars movie There isn’t a
Marvel Announces “Spider-Man and the X-Men” Comic
For anyone that doesn’t know, Wolverine has lost his healing ability. Marvel has a current miniseries going on called “Death of Wolverine”. Yes they are killing Wolverine but don’t worry,
Concept Art Image of The Vision from Avengers 2 Movie
Here is a really KOOL image of the Vision. It is from the concept art for Avengers 2: Age of Ultron. Paul Bettany will be voicing the Vision along with
NEW 52 CRISIS? Rumors Fueled by Dan Didio
“Spending a Sunday night working on the comics (the real never ending battle), and came across this. Definitely one of the highlights of my time at DC, but it gets
Happy 48th Anniversary, Star Trek
Happy Anniversary to Star Trek! I remember coming home from school and watching the reruns of Star Trek. I think I was around 10 when I discovered this great show.
AMC Orders Pilot for Another Walking Dead Series
There has been rumors about a second Walking Dead series for about a year. Today, AMC ordered a pilot episode for second series. This second series will focus on other
Supergirl TV Series Pilot
According to The Hollywood Reporter, DC Comics/Warner Bros is shopping around a Supergirl Television series. It appears the CW will not pick it up but they are willing for it