The beloved award-winning young adult novel, Percy Jackson and The Olympians, is being converted into an original series on Disney+. This trailer looks amazing. I am super excited for this
Category: Peter Jackson
Video: Home Invasion (by Peter Jackson)
Peter Jackson ignores numerous email messages from Steven Moffat. Moffat would like him to direct an episode of Doctor Who. Jackson is too busy shining his Oscars. See “Who” Moffat
Movie Trailer- The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies
Here is the first trailer for The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies. It is the final chapter of the adaption of the Hobbit and some of Tolkien’s other
The Hobbit needs an FAQ about HFR.
Gizmodo has an article about the new 48 Frames Per Second (fps) resolution of The Hobbit and that Peter Jackson has released an FAQ about the technology to explain why