This image is from Denis Medri and I found the image on Geek Tyrant.
Category: Photo
Picture of the DAY: Midevil Avengers
What if the Avengers were in the Dark Ages or in a Fantasy Novel? This is a great art by*theDURRRRIAN (see link below) This is completely Geeky KOOL! He has
Picture of the DAY: T-Rex in Tiaras
(via Fake Science)
ART by Ming Fan- KOOL Fantasy Art
These are fantastic pieces of fantasy art by Ming Fan. I love his style.
Picture of the Day: Buffy Art
I found this fantastic Buffy art on Geek Tryant. It was way to KOOL not to share. Buffy The Vampire Slayer movie was a ton of fun. I appreciate the
Picture of the Day:Firefly2.0
This is a photo from a Nathan Fillion fan’s twitter account. I love the combining of Firefly and Nathan Fillion’s current show, Castle. This would be spectacular.
Image of the Day: Curiosity on Mars
I am such a space geek. I still want to live on the moon base. I am eager to see more photos and videos as they come in from the