Okay folks. We have been waiting thirty three years (What~ no way it has been 33 years since Return) to see the return of Chewy, Han, and Luke. We get
Category: sci fi
Here are two new trailers for for the Terminator Genisys. It opens on July 1st. This movies is re-writing the previous movies with all of that wibbly wobbly timey wimey
Skinner and Cigarette Smoking Man Return to X-Files
David Duchovny made an announcement on Late Show with David Letterman. He stated that both the Cigarette Smoking Man and Assistant FBI Director Skinner will return for the X-File mini
Movie Trailer- Mad Max: Fury Road
Here is the latest trailer for the upcoming movie, Mad Max: Fury Road. This trailer is wild and crazy and I am totally enthralled with it. WOW! Stay Geeky My
Hiro Returns to Heroes Return
Heroes Return just scored a major addition. Masi Oka has been cast and will rejoin to his Heroes roots as as the teleporting and time traveling Hiro Nakamura. Hiro was my
Pacific Rim: Tales from the Drift (Comic)
Pacific Rim is coming back to comics. Legendary Comics will publish a 4 issue series about the Pacific Rim world this fall. This is the follow up series to the graphic novel
The X-Files Returns with Six New Episodes
The Fox Network has announced the return of The X-Files. It will be air during the summer of 2015. The X-Files will have six new episodes. They will use these episodes
Movie Trailer: Attack on Titan
Here is a trailer for the live action Attack on Titan. It has a release date of August for Japan but doesn’t appear to have one yet for the United
Heroes Reborn Adds Danika Yarosh to Cast
According to the EW, Heroes Reborn has added Danika Yarosh from Shameless to their cast. Yarosh will be a regular on the 13 Episode series. There is no word on who or
Movie Trailer: The Leviathan (Teaser)
Here is a really cool 3 minute Teaser trailer for The Leviathan. It is a concept piece created by Ruairi Robinson. It is unknown if this will be a full
Movie Trailer: THE SHAMAN
Here is an interesting sci fi trailer for the movie short, THE SHAMAN. This looks like a very hard core post apocalyptic action Science fiction film. It looks better than
Movie Trailer: Lazer Team
Here is the trailer for the comical sci fi film, Lazer Team. Four friends discover an a crashed alien ship. Each of them pulls out a piece of the alien’s
Real “Sci Fi Like” Laser Weapon Being Tested
According to Blastr, Lockheed Martin, the military tech firm, has developed a weapon that will remind us of some of our favorite sci fi weapons. They have created ATHENA, Advanced Test High Energy
Web Series Clip: Con Man (Indiegogo)
The web series, Con Man from Alan Tudyk and Nathan Fillion and their Indiegogo campaign has been very successful so far. As of this moment, they have raised $1,683,876 of their $425,000
Movie Trailer: Tomorrowland
Here is the trailer for Disney’s upcoming movie, Tomorrowland. I honestly was not excited about this movie after the first trailer. But this trailer is really KOOL. It opens in
Movie Trailer: Ex Machina
Ex Machina is a pretty hard core looking science fiction movie with a splash of suspense. It is set in the near future where androids are on the cusp of
Neill Blomkamp’s Alien Movie is a Sequel to “Aliens”
According to The Nerdist, Neill Blomkamp’s “Alien” movie is a sequel to the 1986’s “Aliens”. This will discount Alien 3and Alien: Resurrection. It will star Sigourney Weaver as Ellen Ripley. This movie started out
Responses to the Power/Rangers Movie Short
We posted a link to the very adult and Mature movie short Power/Rangers. It is an interesting take on the 90s children’s live action series, Might Morphin Power Rangers. There has
Movie Trailer: Chappie – (Not My Fault -Clip)
Here is an interesting clip for the upcoming movie, Chappie. This clip has the robots leading an attack on a stronghold. It shows the power and abilities of the robots.