Here is the trailer for the upcoming Tomorrowland. It looks like a KOOL idea for a movie. This first look is really intriguing. I can’t wait to see more on
Category: sci fi
Video- Firefly Online: 3D Environment Engine
Here is quick look at the 3D Environment Engine of the upcoming Firefly Online. I am very excited about this game. It would be awesome to play in the Verse.
Video: Honest Trailers – Transformers: Age of Extinction
I love Honest Trailers. They are very funny while being pretty right on. I was really hopeful Transformers: Age of Extinction would be better but all of my friends hated
Video: Megatron Misses Shia
Here is a funny video from How It Should Have Ended. Megatron and Optimus have an interesting conversation about Shia… I mean Sam. And we learn that Optimus has become the
Movie Trailer: Interstellar (Official Trailer #3)
Here is another awesome trailer for the upcoming movie, Interstellar. I think this is the best trailer so far. I really feel the connection to McConaughey’s character. I am sold
Movie Trailer: Dracula Untold (Featurette – On The Set: Face Off)
Here is an interesting Featurette about the upcoming movie, Dracula Untold. This looks really interesting. I love the scene with the silver. Very KOOL! Stay Geeky My Friends!
TV Trailer: Ascension (Mini Series)
Syfy’s new Mini Series, Ascension looks pretty KOOL. Earth is dying and the U.S. sends up a ship with 600 people to populate a new world. The trip is no
Movie Trailers: Interstellar
Here are two trailers for the upcoming movie, Interstellar. It is directed by Christopher Nolan. This movie looks really KOOL. I am very excited to see it. Stay Geeky My
Movie Short: THE SHIFT
Here is a great movie short, The Shift. It is Written, Directed & Edited by Francesco Calabrese. It stars the awesome Molly C. Quinn (I love her on Castle) from
Interstellar Posters
These posters were recently released. They are all beautiful. They really make me want to watch this movie. This looks like a really interesting movie. The Earth is dying and
Movie Short: Life (Sci Fi Mech Movie)
This Mech movie short is not what you expect at all. The graphics and beautiful and I really enjoyed it. The plot takes you somewhere you nver expected. Check it out.
DOCTOR WHO Season 8 So Far….Newbie Edition
If I could have just one custom t-shirt made saying something about Doctor Who, it would say in big bold letters “DOCTOR WHO SIMPLETON ON BOARD”. So, there it
Movie Trailer: INFINI
This movie is suppose to be a throw back to the sci fi/horror/thriller movies of the 70s and 80s. It definitely reminds me of the first Alien movie and that
Movie Trailer- Monsters: Dark Continent
I really enjoyed the movie, Monsters. It was a well written sci fi movie that made you think and consider who the real monsters are. Here is the sequel and
Movie Trailer: The Pyramid
I loved the Mummy movies (yes even the last one). They were a ton of fun and had a lot of crazy humor to them. But They weren’t really scary.
Movie Short: Abiogenesis
Here is a great movie short, Abiogenesis. It is a science fiction movie with spectacular special effects. It is simply amazing. This movie isn’t just special effects but it has
Movie Trailer: Automata
Automata has a real interesting movie trailer. It appears to be a combination I-Robot and Blade Runner. It has a familiar feel but appears to be taking the concept in
TV Trailer: Z Nation
Here is the trailer for the new SyFy series, Z Nation. It is a zombie series. It stars Harold Perrineau of Lost and DJ Qualls from Supernatural. This looks like
Video: The Animated Adventures Of Doctor Who
I saw this on the Nerdist and I had to post it. I loved it. It reminded me of the Back to the Future Animated cartoon but much KOOLer. I
Movie Trailer: Extraterrestrial
This is the trailer for the Sci Fi/Horror movie, Extraterrestrial. It is a pretty intense trailer. What happens when a group of friends discover a UFO crash? It all goes