This movie looks creative and innovative. The concept of a man becoming a robot and being hunted by the government is an interesting movie premise. Check it out.
Category: sci fi
Escape From Planet Earth
This looks like a fun and geeky movie the kids could enjoy.
Movie Trailer: Total Recall (International)
I continued to be amazed how Hollywood continues to remake every movie that previous had success. Here is another retread movie in Total Recall. But this trailer is making a believer out
Minimalist Lego sculptures depict classic SciFi scenes.
IO9 has a great roundup of Classic SciFi scenes created in Legos, but with the twist of using minimal bricks. Great stuff! Check out the expanded site these are taken
I.M.P.S. The Relentless
I love good fan fiction. Star Wars has some of the best fan fiction videos out there. I.M.P.S. The Relentless (Imperial Military Personnel Stories) are stories of Troopers from
Movie Trailer: Dredd (official trailer)
The last time I attempted to post a trailer for this movie, I was duped into posting a fake trailer. I have verified that this is an official trailer. This
Movie Trailer: The Watch
An alien invasion comedy starring Ben Stiller and Vince Vaughn. It will be either really fun or it will blow chunks. It might actually be both. You decide.
10 Best Geeky KOOL Fictional Fathers
I had intended for this post to come out on Father’s Day but life got in the way. This list was difficult to narrow down and to order. I re-ordered
Movie Trailer: Extraterrestrial Official Trailer #1
I am not sure about this movie. It looks fun and quirky but …
Movie Trailer: Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter Trailer #3
This movie looks awesome.
Fandom Advisory Network/ Dirigible Days/Day 304 Productions
At Project Comic Con, I found myself drawn to a booth with a large banner of FAN. FAN stands for Fandom Advisory Network. Julie Wilhelm was greeting people as they
Movie Trailer: Dredd (FAKE TRAILER)
Dredd is the new cinematic take on the Judge Dredd comic book (AKA 2000 AD). Some might remember the previous Judge Dredd movie with Sly Sloane. Yes it was pretty bad. This
Ray Bradbury Passed Away
Ray Bradbury passed away on Tuesday Night. Ray Bradbury was a giant in literature, television, and movies. He was a pioneer on science fiction. We take a moment to honor Mr
Movie Previews: Prometheus clips
Here are a few more clips from Prometheus. I am really looking forward to this movie. I will not be able to watch it right away but I am looking
Movie Trailer: Plurality (Short Film)
Check out this trailer. It is very interesting. The government can track your every move. Your fingerprints set off monitors on the rail and opening a door. What happens when
Towel Day Quiz
Here is a link to the a fun Towel Day Quiz. I got 9 out of 10 and changed the answer I got wrong. I think both answers were
Video: Towel Day and Geek Pride Day
Nuff Said!
Today is Geek Pride Day, Towel Day, and The Glorious Twenty-Fifth of May
As I have previous mentioned, today is the 35th Anniversary of Star Wars. We are celebrating it @ Geeky KOOL with fun Star Wars articles, videos, and links. But today
Can SyFy (arrrg) redeem itself with some Defiance?
Take a veteran writer in Michael Taylor (“Star Trek: Deep Space Nine,” “Star Trek: Voyager,” “Battlestar Galactica,” “Virtuality,” “Caprica,” “Battlestar Galactica: Blood & Chrome”) add in Rockne S O’Bannon (he of
Who knew the Sheriff and Glen’s GF were played by Brits? Walking Dead preview!
First thing, first… The Walking Dead is not for kids. Second thing… It is great television. Third thing… When are the Brits going to stop taking over American Television? At