Here is the latest Featurette for the Ridley Scott’s anticipated Sci Fi Thriller, Prometheus. As mentioned before, I am uber excited for this movie. It has such an “Alien” feel
Category: sci fi
So Long, Sanctuary, We will miss you.
The news broke earlier today that SyFy Network is not renewing their series Sanctuary. This news took me by surprise. I really enjoyed all four seasons of Sanctuary. I love
No new season for Sanctuary! Is SyFy becoming the Fox of Cable Networks?
Just saw this posted. Sanctuary is no more! Just another GREAT SciFi (yes, let’s spell that correctly!) show SyFy lets go to founder. Le Sigh… More info here!
Blade Runner 2 to have Female Lead
The Daily Beast, Ridley Scott confirmed he is creating a sequel to the science fiction classic, Blade Runner. Blade Runner 2 will not focus on Richard Deckard. “And we’ll definitely
Archetype Futuristic Viral Video to Become Feature Film
I saw this on YouTube a few months ago and of course I loved it and was anxious to see it made into a movie. Singularity Hub reports that just
Vanquish: To Boost or Not to Boost?
I got Vanquish on the cheap some time ago and remember loving it. Then I purchased Mass Effect 2 and forgot about it. In fact, I couldn’t remember playing it
Harry Potter Fan Fiction Movie Trailer: Auror’s Tale
The Auror are an elite unit of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. These specialists are the highest trained. They are in charge of hunting down those that practice the
Movie Trailer: Prometheus Viral Video
Wow this video below is really KOOL. It reminds me of some of the LOST videos about The Dharma Initiative. This video from Elizabeth Shaw to Weyland Industries. It is being
10 Worst Geeky KOOL Fictional Mothers
After putting together Sunday’s list of Best Geeky KOOL Fictional Mothers on Sunday, I thought maybe I should follow it up with a list of the 10 Worst. There are
Picture of the DAY: Arnold Greets the Predator
This is a great photo. I had to share it. My Friend Jill sent it to me. If you want to share a picture, clip, trailer, or whatever and have
Geeky Video: The Ghostbusters Tour of New York
A couple of guys from have made a great video. It is “The Ghostbusters Tour of New York”. They go to all of the physical locations in New York
Movie Trailer: Total Recall (2012 remake)
My friend Tracy pointed out this trailer for the new remake of Total Recall. It is actually more of a re-image or reboot than a remake. There will be some
Movie Trailer: Prometheus featurette: Origins
This movie looks awesome. I more and more convinced that this has to be watched opening weekend.
Doctor Who: Where Do I Start?
I have been a fan of Doctor Who for quite some time. I fell in love with the series after having a friend beat me over the head until I
10 Best Geeky KOOL Fictional Mothers
Since today is Mother’s Day, I started looking for examples of great mothers throughout science fiction, fantasy, and comic books. I was able to put together a list of
TV Trailer: Falling Skies Season 2
Falling Skies season 1 was fantastic. I loved the character development and the way all of the characters grew during the season. It was a fun post-apocalyptic series with lots of
Geeky Weekend Upcoming
This weekend will be a huge geeky weekend for the Litle family. Friday night May 4th is the premiere of the Avengers. I am taking my 11 year old daughter to the
Movie Trailer: “Prometheus” International Launch Trailer
Oh WOW! This is geektasticly KOOL. It appears from the previews that Ridley Scott has done it again and made another phenomenal alien horror/sci fi movie. It is assumed that this movie is a
TV Preview: Supernatural- The Girl with the Dungeons & Dragons Tattoo
I have to admit, I am a big fan of Supernatural. It is a fun Sci Fi/ Horror series that often does not take itself too seriously. But yet Supernatural
Fringe Is Renewed for Season 5
The fans of J.J. Abrams quirky sci fi show, Fringe, are breathing a sigh of relief. Fringe was on the verge of being canceled after Season 4. A miraculous decision by the FOX