I saw this on Facebook and had to repost. I thought it was awesome. Combining Transformers and Dr Who is just awesome.
Category: sci fi
Star Trek/Dr. Who Comic Book Crossover
Two of the Greatest Science Fiction series are merging into one comic book crossover miniseries. IDW has the Star Trek: The Next Generation/Dr Who comic which will hit shelves in
Movie Review: Priest
Over the last 5 years, there have been a slew of non-superhero comic book movies. Some have been great but many have failed to live up to expectation. The Priest
“Loopers” may be the action flick of the year?
“Looper” looks to be a great action flick. Joseph Gordon-Levitt stars as a Looper in today’s time with the job of killing people sent back from the future by organized
Movie Review: Battle Los Angeles
Aliens attack the earth. This movie focuses on Los Angeles. Is this another Skyline or will this be a movie beyond special effects? I checked this movie out on video.
Movie Trailer: Men In Black 3 (2nd Trailer)
This looks like a lot of fun. I loved the first two movies. I hope I will feel the same about the third.
Movie Trailer- Total Recall (2012- Remake)
I don’t know. Looks really cool but I am not sure I will enjoy it as much as the original. What do you think?
Happy Birthday Ewan McGregor!
There were a lot of things to not like about the Star Wars Prequels. Ewan McGregor was not one of them (In my opinion). I really like him in most
New Torchwood series a possibility, just not right now…
I’m a big fan of the Dr. Whoniverse and spin-off Torchwood is a fun, if adult oriented, ride. Good news with Torchwood is better than bad news, I guess! Here’s
Latest Prometheus Trailer
Here is the Latest Prometheus Trailer. This looks better and better.
Video: The Duel (Lego)
My Buddy Jason York pointed me to this video. It is very fun. Check it out. It is full of Lego fun and action.
Prometheus Trailer #2
Check out the latest. This prequel to Alien looks awesome! I love the first two Alien movies. If this lives up to half of my expectations, it will be an
Men In Black 3 Trailer
I am looking forward to the latest Men In Black movie. Love the first two. Looks like a load of fun.
Movie Trailer: Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter
I am excited to see this movie. It looks like a ton of fun. I have not been this excited about a vampire movie since the original Buffy the Vampire
Movie Review: Underworld: Awakening
I love the first two Underworld movies. The third one (prequel) was good but not at the same level. Would this movie head back to the previous level or would
TV Review: Lost Girl
I saw the preview for this show on SyFy and thought it looked very cool. I love shows based around unique but attractive female leads. Would I dig this show
Star Wars in 3-D: Eager Anticipation or a Great Waste of Money?
Geeky Cool– Star Wars in 3-D: Eager Anticipation or a Great Waste of Money? Geeky Cool is Larry Litle’s weekly column about his geektastic thoughts. Some time ago, George Lucas
What the Frak? Origins of the Sci Fi curse word
What the Frak? Origins of the Sci Fi curse word This morning, two of my friends, Ray and Jeff, showed up in my cube at work. Ray is my friend
The Prometheus- Movie Preview
The Prometheus preview is very cool. Ridley Scott is back to make space horror movies like Alien. If it is half as good, then I will like this movie.
TV Review: Terra Nova
I have to admit, I am a sucker for Dinosaurs. As a kid in the early 70’s, my favorite Saturday morning TV show was Land of the Lost (followed closely