The Earth’s magnetic field is a strange weak spot in the field. It is called the South Atlantic Anomaly. It allows these particles to dip closer to the surface than
Category: science
Giant Mysterious Skeleton Found in Scotland After Storm Ciara
A giant and mysterious skeleton washed up on the shores of Scotland after Storm Ciara hit. It is unknown what the creature was. There are tons of speculation from whale
Solar Foods Uses NASA’s Idea for Making Food
Food out of thin air. It is like something out of a science fiction movie. Solient Green is the first thing that comes to my mind. A lot of sci fi
Scientists Discover New Creature Frozen in Antarctica
During a 50 day Antarctica expedition, scientific researchers aboard the New Zealand ship RV Tangaroa discovered something new and unexpected. They spent their time digging in the mud 3,500 meters below
Storm Area 51 Was Yesterday
The event that started out as a joke, did happen yesterday. The Storm Area 51 event did occur as scheduled except there wasn’t any storming of the Air Force Base.
Video: Adam Savage’s Iron Man Suit
Adam Savage, formerly of Myth Busters, has a new series on the Science Network. He had a titanium suit created with 3-D printers. Then he added a high tech jet
Scientists Discover Interstellar Asteroid
Scientists discover an interstellar asteroid for the first time. They have speculated about objects from outside of our solar system coming through our neighborhood but they have never seen one
Warm Antarctica’s Ice Caves Has Evidence of Life
Ross Island, Antarctica has spectacular caves below it. The caves are warmed by an active volcano. When the temperatures are -20C (-4 F) outside, the temperatures in the caves could be
Space X Shoots Reused Rocket in Space, Lands Successfully
Last week, Space X made history by reusing a pre-flown rocket booster for their Falcon 9 rocket. This was huge break through for Space X, AKA Space Exploration Technologies Corporation.
Space X Sending 2 Private Citizens to the Moon
Space X, the private spaceflight company, has a contract to take two private citizens to the moon. The private citizens have paid significant deposit for the moon. These citizens will get
Science Discovers Pulse Coming from a Black Hole
Everything we thought we knew about Black Holes may be up for debate. Two NASA space telescopes observed something unusual from the massive black hole, Markarian 335. The Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array
NASA’s Kepler Project Discovers 1,284 Planets
According to USA Radio News, NASA’s Kepler Project made a huge announcement. NASA has discovered 1,284 previously unconfirmed planets. This is the largest announcement of planets in the history of NASA.
Video: Why Kylo Ren’s Lightsaber Works
Kylo Ren’s tri-blade light saber has been discussed almost as much as his whining. Because Science’s Kyle Hill explains how this could work with science. This is pretty awesome. Stay
Astronomers Find Star with Unexplainable Dips in Brightness
NASA’s Kepler Space Telescope has discovered tons of KOOL stuff in our galaxy. Astronomers have studied Stars, planets, exoplanets, and much more. One of the stars, KIC 8462852, has been
Movie Trailer: THE MARTIAN
Here is the movie trailer for the upcoming Ridley Scott directed movie starring Matt Damon. This looks like a really KOOL hard core science fiction movie. Stay Geeky My Friends!
Movie Short: The Rise and Fall of Globosome
Here is an interesting movie short. It shows the quick rise and destruction of a planet and the life of the planet. It is an interview display look at a
Scientist Hope to Contact Parallel Universe
According to Express, the scientists at the CERN centre in Geneva, Switzerland hope to contact a parallel universe in a few days. They will use the Large Hadron Collider ‘Atom Smasher’. They are
Spring Brings Super Moon- Solar Eclipse
March 20, 2015 is a very unique day for us on planet Earth. It is the first day of Spring. Our moon will be a Super Moon. The Earth will
Video: Shoot For The Moon
Here is an interesting movie short about a homeless astronaut trying to find his way back to the moon. It is a little bit sad. There is some humor to
NASA Prepares to Launch “Orion”
NASA is planning on launching the unmanned Orion spacecraft tomorrow. The test flight is scheduled for 7:05 a.m. EST. NASA has created the Orion ship with Lockheed Martin and the United Launch Alliance.