This looks incredible. Some of my favorite celebrity geeks are on here with Matt Mercer, Reggie Watts, Deborah Ann Woll, Felicia Day, and Brandon Routh (yes Superman). Check it out.
Category: TTRPG
Play DC20 on Foundry
I have talked briefly about DC20 and how I pledged to Kickstarter for it. I am excited about this different take on role-playing games and how it could change how
Dungeon Craft – “Blade Runner RPG is a Sci-FI Masterpiece”
Professor DM of Dungeon Craft reviews the Blade Runner RPG. Blade Runner brings a great history and mythos from the movies, extended universe, and books. Check out his review as
Video: TTRPG Etiquette – Dungeon Craft
I always enjoy Professor DM and his videos on Dungeon Craft. Here is a great video about the TTRPG Etiquette and social contract. This applies to Dungeon and Dragons and
Professor DM Reveals He Has Cancer
Professor DM is a wonderful TTRPG Youtuber. His Youtube site, Dungeon Craft, is one of my go-to places to see what is going on in the role-playing game community. He
Kickstarter: DC20
DC20 is a TTRPG in the style of Dungeons and Dragons. It takes the best parts of D&D and makes them better. Check out this Kickstarter for DC20. Dynamic Agency: Players
Roll 20 Acquires Demiplane
In an interesting move, the TTRPG site, Roll 20, has acquired the newcomer TTRPG site, Demiplane. Roll 20 hit big about the same time as DND Beyond with COVID raging
Tales of the Valiant Release Both Player’s Guide and Monster Vault
Black Flag Role Playing games have released their first two Tales of the Valiant books for digital Purchase and hardback books are coming. They have released both the Player’s Guide
Daggerheart Session Zero and Play Test Videos
Critical Role has been working on a new fantasy-based TTRPG with Daggerheart. It has been highly anticipated by fans of the series and fans of Table Top Role Playing Games.
Video: Bob World Builder- Dagger Heart COMBAT!
Bob World Builder is another fun channel about playing TTRPGs. Bob had a chance to test play the new TTRPG from Darington Press (AKA Critical Role). Here is what he
Geeky KOOL Presents: Next Gen Role Players – Ep. 2
Here is the second episode of Geeky KOOL Presents: Next Gen Role Players. We wrap up the introduction to role playing by going over the character sheets and what the
Video: Bob World Builder- Critical Role’s DAGGERHEART Explained
Over the weekend at Gencon, some attendees got an opportunity to play the new game from Critical Role, Daggerheart. TTRPG Youtuber Bob World Builder explains what we know so far
Geeky KOOL Presents: Next Gen Role Players – Ep. 1
The first episode of Geeky KOOL Presents: Next Gen Role Players is available to watch. I am joined with 4 adolescents/pre-adolescents to discuss and play TTRPG. We are starting with
New Video Podcast: Geeky KOOL Presents: Next Gen Role Players
Tonight, Friday August 11, Geeky KOOL has a brand new video Podcast, which will be available after on audio podcasts. Geeky KOOL Presents: Next Gen Role Players will be unlike
Pathfinder Primer Second Edition for Free
Have you wanted to try out Pathfinder Second Edition? You can get the Pathfinder Primer on Demiplane for free. That is the perfect price to see if you love it.
Record Pathfinder Sales for Paizo
Pathfinder is a Dungeons and Dragons like TTRPG game that was based off of D&D 3.5. There is a new edition of Pathfinder with Pathfinder 2.0. With all of the
Project Black Flag Release First Look
When Wizards of the Coast attempted to change their OGL, Kobold Press, responded with their own announcement of their upcoming Project Black Flag. This will be a new Table Top