In this video, Neil deGrasse Tyson discusses the Asteroid that could hit the Earth in 2032. Check out his video, Will An Asteroid Hit Earth in 2032? If it hits,
Category: Video
Video: The DM Lair: My very first D&D 2024 game
Luke at The DM Lair, discusses his experience playing with the new 2024 rules and monsters. He learned the monsters are much more balanced and deadly in the new rules.
Video: Dungeon Craft: Orcs Are OUT of the Monster Manual and I have thoughts
Professor DM and Dungeon Craft have an interesting video I wanted to share. The new 2024 Monster Manual has removed Orcs as a monster. Why has this mainstay of Dungeons
Video: 1 For All- When the Rogue rolls a 20 on Stealth
1 For All is a fun YouTube comedy channel that focuses on Dungeons and Dragons play and characters. When a player rolls a 20 on a skill check, they often
Play DC20 on Foundry
I have talked briefly about DC20 and how I pledged to Kickstarter for it. I am excited about this different take on role-playing games and how it could change how
Video: DND Beyond Maps
DND Beyond has been working hard on the MAPS area. In the alpha phase, I found their VVT for the maps to be lacking what was basic for most other
Video: Family Slashers
This video is hysterical. It similar to the intro to Full House but with horror characters. I love Ghost Face trying to strangle the girl with the phone cord and
Video: Bruce Campbell Answers Question about a Crossover
I love Bruce Campbell. He always makes me smile. Bruce was asked about a possible Ash Vs Freddy Vs Jason crossover. Bruce had a great answer. Apparently there were talks
Video- Dungeon Craft- How Backwards Compatible is D&D 2024?
Check out this video from Professor DM on Dungeon Craft Youtube Channel. Check out this interesting video examining how backward compatibility with classic D&D 5e. I love Professor DM’s take
Video: TTRPG Etiquette – Dungeon Craft
I always enjoy Professor DM and his videos on Dungeon Craft. Here is a great video about the TTRPG Etiquette and social contract. This applies to Dungeon and Dragons and
My Top Ten Most Watched YouTube Channels:
YouTube has been ingrained into our society since 2005. Hard to recall a time without it honestly. Lol! Although I have a good amount of channels I’m subscribed to, these
Weird Al Yankovic – Polkamania!
Weird Al is back with a new Polka. Here is Polkamania! I love a good Weird Al Polka. Check it out. Stay Geeky!
My Autograph Collection as of 2024:
Hello my beauties! ^-^ I think the title says it all and you guys are getting the first access to the video! 🙂 This is a look at ALL my
Video: Ginny Di’s Parents Play D&D
I love Ginny Di and her weekly D&D videos. She always keeps things light, fun, entertaining, and informative. This week she teaches her parents to play Dungeons and Dragons. How
Video: We Survived 80s Halloween- Holderness Family
I love the Holderness Family videos. I find them hysterical and very true in how I feel. Here is a great video about Halloween in the 80s, We Survived 80s
Video: Make Your Big Bad a Lich
Ginny Di has another awesome video, Make Your Big Bad a Lich. Liches are some of the most iconic Big Bads in Dungeons and Dragons. They don’t die. They are
Video: The Strongest Enemy in D&D – 1 For All
Here is a fun video about that strongest enemy in Dungeons and Dragons. According to the video, it isn’t a Dragon, or army, or Gelatinous Cube. Check out the humor.
Video: Ginny Di’s The problem with cursed items (and how to fix it)
I really love Ginny Di and her channel. She has a lot of fun ideas for Dungeons and Dragons. Ginny is creative and friendly. I believe we would be good
Webseries: The Party
When a grad student moves in with an old college roommate, she discovers game night means Dungeons and Dragons. When confronted with brining something new to her graduate program, she
Comedy Video: A Message From WotC About OGL
The fine folks at Going Rogue, the creators of the online D&D game, Radventure, put out this humorous take from the perspective of Wizards of the Coast. I love the