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Character Images from Terminator: Genisys


Here are some character images from Terminator: Genisys.  The above image of Sarah Connor looks more like the Sarah for Terminator 2: The Judgement Day rather than the party girl from Terminator.  But the timeline has been changed.


The original T-1000 almost destroyed the world.  This one looks like major trouble for our heroes.


He was right.  He is back and it looks like he is upset with his younger self.  He may be older but can still kick some major butt.


Here is Reece, Sarah’s love interest, and the father of the famous John Connor.  Did they just Hawkeye Initiative Reece?  Yes they did.


Here is big twist but one that is now on a poster. John Connor comes back to the past but he is not happy to see his mother.  Maybe it is because he is really a Terminator.

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