I have been a fan of the Defenders since the late 1970’s. I have always loved the weird and strange stories and adventures in the Defenders comics. They have had some of the KOOLest stories over the years.
At the beginning of the year, I took a chance and added the New version of the Defenders: Fearless Defenders to my pull list. This is an All Female Defenders team. I was pleasantly surprised by the great art and the best comic covers I have ever seen. The story took a while to build but by issue #6, I was fully invested in the characters and story. It is was a slow burn but well worth it.
Comics have a reputation of not being able to support a Female Lead Character or a Female Team book. There are exceptions to this with Wonder Woman and sometimes Supergirl. I appreciate Marvel’s willingness to put out this great book. But unfortunately, the old adage appears to pan out in this case. December will have the final issue of Fearless Defenders with issue #12.
I hate that this comic series was canceled. I really have been enjoying it. It is a sad day that comic readers can’t support this beautiful book with good writing and attractive women.
Stay Geeky My Friends!