So what does a family photo have to do with a fan film documentary, you may ask……The answer is rather simple, the 2 people in this photo besides Vance Major Owen, Better known as Erik Minard, or “the where’s Waldo of the fan film community”, are the biggest reason Vance enjoys life. His wife Ramona, who is a registered Nurse, and his son Royce, make him feel “complete”. They are the reason he gets up, and deals with life, they are his first thought in the morning and his last thought before he sleeps.
I met Vance in Las Vegas at STLV55 last August, and you could not ask for a nicer fellow to finally meet. I even took a photo of him with General Martok(JG Hertzler), which checked off a bucket list item for Vance. The fact that members of the fan film community made it possible for Vance to not only attend STLV but to have his own panel interview, showed Vance that his little films mattered to people.
Now after so many years, Vance is hanging up his Starfleet Uniform, because his family is job one. But before he goes, he created something special….a documentary to end all documentaries. Why do I put it like that, because I was given a special sneak peak at it, and let me tell you folks…..Its good, Its REAL GOOD. NOTHING IS LEFT ON THE CUTTING ROOM FLOOR, I mean seriously NOTHING. Why can I say that…..because it clocks in at a whopping 4 HOURS!!!!!!!
But the time goes so fast that you don’t think about it, as pretty much every Actor/Director/ Producer, Vance has worked with is on this documentary. I won’t list anyone because I will leave way to many people out, and to do so would be a great disservice. This documentary hasn’t been released yet, It is scheduled to hit YouTube on 7/3/2022 at 1PM, but there is a placeholder link which I will post below. Some of the Comments call it “a love letter to Star Trek, Fan Films, and Vance”.
I want to say I am honored to know Vance, and his entire family, I’m just a guy who writes a bit in his spare time about fan films, Vance loves giving me credit when I post reviews of his stuff, the credit isn’t necessary, being along for the ride with you was enough for me. I want to say “I will miss Vance making films”, but I realize there are films that he is in, across so many fan series, that I actually still haven’t seen them all.
Mark your Caloendars – 7/3/2022 @1:00PM