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David Tennant Panel @ Planet Comicon Kansas City

David Tennant Panel @ Planet Comicon Kansas City

I totally zoned that the David Tennant panel started at 3:00 pm.  I had just sat down to start writing an article when it dawned on me that I needed to  get to the other side of the convention center and only had 20 minutes.  I made like the Doctor and I ran.  No not as fast as the Tenth Doctor.  Maybe more like the Seventh Doctor aka the Professor.  Kinda fitting.

I made my way through the already super busy showroom floor.  Trying to weave in and out and often getting behind people that didn’t share my need to hurry.  I finally neared the Grand Ballroom to be direct the other direct for the line.  I moved to the area of the line and kept going and going. We went across the skywalk and kept going.  I found the line but I had to continue the long journey (feeling like Frodo) and eventually found the end of the line as it weaved around and around.  This is the longest line I have ever seen at a convention.

Some how they fit us all into the Grand Ballroom. You could say the Grand Ballroom was bigger on the inside than on  the outside.   I was standing in the back but got to see and hear David Tennant.

David was chill but also engaging and thoughtful.  He took questions about Kilgore from Jessica Jones and stage acting.  But most of the questions were about the Doctor.  David didn’t give standard answers but really thought through what he had to say.  He was just a charismatic in person as he is on TV,.

Stay Geeky! 

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