DC Comics webpage has announced the DC Upcoming movies. DC published this right after after Kevin Tsujihara, Warner Bros Chairman, announced it.
“Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice,” directed by Zack Snyder (2016)
“Suicide Squad,” directed by David Ayer (2016)
“Wonder Woman,” starring Gal Gadot (2017)
“Justice League Part One,” directed by Zack Snyder, with Ben Affleck, Henry Cavill and Amy Adams reprising their roles (2017)
“The Flash,” starring Ezra Miller (2018)
“Aquaman,” starring Jason Momoa (2018)
“Shazam” (2019)
“Justice League Part Two,” directed by Zack Snyder (2019)
“Cyborg,” starring Ray Fisher (2020)
“Green Lantern” (2020)
This is Some lineup. They are taking some chances on a few unique movies like Suicide Squad, Aquaman, and Cyborg. Will this lineup work for DC like Marvel’s have? I hope it does but I am not confident that they will. But last year I thought Guardians wouldn’t work for Marvel and I was proven so wrong.
Stay Geeky My Friends!