Supes is a DC Property according to a ruling by a federal judge in California on Wednesday! This is big news for Warner Bros. and DC Comics as it was feared by some that they might lose the right to use the iconic superhero in 2013 and possibly not be able to release “Man of Steel” this year.
I won’t presume to fully understand all the legalese but The Hollywood Reporter has a good wrap-up.
This has been a long time coming and from what I’m reading the lawyer for the Siegel family basically did the most damage after winning more for the family in 2008 than what they got after a 1992 agreement was challenged, but then going for even more for the heirs, himself, and his production company.
Really? That didn’t look suspicious?
Congrats DC. Now, lets clean up the stories in the “New U” or finally make a decision to got back to the post-Flashpoint DCU! Please???