DC Comics is about to introduce a new character into continuity in the Batman comics. She is a character that has been around for a long time but she was always out of continuity. Carrie Kelley was the first female Robin in the 1980’s mini series: The Dark Knight Returns, a futuristic tale of an Old Batman.
Carrie was not the only female Robin in the past. Stephanie Brown was both Robin and Batgirl at different times in the past. Helena Wayne, daughter of Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle, Catwoman, was Robin and Huntress.
With the reboot of the DC Universe, New 52, a year and a half ago, things have changed again. Helena Wayne was the Earth 2 Robin but we have only seen her as Robin in Flashbacks. Stephanie Brown was never Robin. Robins now have only been guys and it appears Batman has gone through a new Robin every year.

Recently Robin, Bruce’s son Damian Wayne, was killed (maybe not- it is comics after all). There has been a ton of discussions who would take on the role of Robin for Batman. We have Carrie Kelley being introduced. DC has not confirmed what role Carrie will play but it appears she will be appearing as Robin at a costume party. The foreshadowing is definitely heavy towards Carrie becoming the new Robin and breaking the Robin gender barrier in the New 52.
It is possible that Carrie could be a Red Herring to throw us off track. But I would love to see a new version of the Carrie Kelley as Robin.
(The Mary Sue)