DC Comics continues develop television series based in the DC Universe. NBC has bought the rights to a pilot series, Powerless. NBC throws their hat back into the DC Universe after not picking up fan favorite Constantine last season.
Powerless is a 30 minute comedy set in the DC Universe. Set with a similar style to The Office but with superheroes in their world. Life is interesting in the business of insurance when there are superheroes and villains running around the world. Look through the eyes of normal people in a world of the extraordinary.
I am not familiar with any DC Comics with this type of theme. But Marvel had a similar comic book series in the 80s and 90s, Damage Control. Damage Control is a construction company that cleans up messes and destruction from super powered battles. Normal people cleaning up the damage after the battles.
I will not go so far to call Powerless a rip off of Damage Control but the theme is very close. DC doesn’t have a themed comic around this idea and Marvel has had one. Marvel must be a little put out about this series.
I will definitely give Powerless a chance. There is a lot of comedy potential with an insurance company in a world of super powered individuals.
(Via Deadline)
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