According to Comicbook.com, Disney has announced a huge expansion to both Disneyland and Disney World. The expansion of both parks will be a new theme park, Star Wars Land. Disneyland will be adding 14 acres of land for their new Star Wars themed park, which is their largest expansion ever.
Star Wars Land will have attractions, shops, and restaurants in the Star Wars theme. They will have droids and aliens running the attractions and shops. There will be a Cantina attraction.
There will be characters from all of the movies. The experience will take you from the original Trilogy through the Prequels to the new Trilogy and other movies. The park will encompass the entire Star Wars experience.
WOW! This is awesome. I love Disneyland and this just made me more excited to go back. This announcement is tapping into my 10-year-old fanboy side. Thank you Disney. Now just take my money and let me be a part of Rebellion.
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