Here is a run down of what we know so far about November’s 5oth Anniversary of Doctor Who.
We know it is being written by Head Whovian Steven Moffat. It is being directed by Nick Hurran. It has been filmed and is post production.
We have confirmed some of the cast members for the 50th. Matt Smith will star as the Doctor. The Doctor’s current companion, Carla, (Jenna Coleman) will be with him. David Tennant will reprise his role as the 10th Doctor. Billie Piper will return as the 10th Doctor’s cross dimensional love interest, Rose Tyler. John Hurt will reprise his role as the Doctor from The Name of the Doctor. Jemma Redgrave will the Brigadier’s daughter, Kate Stewart.
The badguys will the the Zygons. They are classic villains for the Doctor since 1975. They were in The Power of Three last year.
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We will bring you more information as they come available.
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