I remember my first exposure to Dungeons and Dragons. I received the Red Box Set as a Christmas gift one year in my late childhood. I had a great time reading over the rules and making up scenarios. I was never really able to play it with a group because I grew up in the country and no friends lived close to me. I lent it to a friend and never saw it again. My understanding of the rules and role playing did lead me to enjoy years of role playing various games during the mid to late 80s.
I would have a difficult time finding a copy of that Red Box Set that I received in my tween years. Even if I found a copy of it, it would be unlikely that I would find one in good shape. Now online I can download all the materials for the D&D Redbox Set, or from the original AD&D, or from any version of the game’s history. Wizards of the Coast announced last week on Wizards.com that they will have numerous of their older books and manuals for sale as PDFs for a decent price. This is a great bit of geeky KOOL nostalgia for gamers.