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FAKE Movie Trailer: Dora The Explorer (Live Action)

FAKE Movie Trailer: Dora The Explorer (Live Action)

My Eleven year old daughter hates Dora.  She used to love Dora when she was a preschooler but has swung the other way because Dora is for little kids.  But fake movie trailer might be kool enough to even persuade her to see this movie (if it were real).

Swiper steals the Infinite Orb.  Dora is called in to help find it.  She will bring in many of the Dora characters but often not as you remember them.  This live action version has human versions of Swiper and the Map and Boots is a real monkey.

This is a very funny fan made trailer but it looks better than of the other Hollywood created remakes.

Special thanks to my buddy Jason for pointing this out.

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