Today I had the opportunity to have a phone interview with one of my favorite local artists, David Faught. I met David a few years ago around the local convention scene in Missouri. He is such a nice guy and a truly talented artist that I figured he would be a great artist to do my first interview with.

Before we get into the interview let me tell you a little about David that I got from his website https://davidfaughtartistesq.wixsite.com
David grew up on a farm in the small Missouri town of Walnut Grove. Since he was old enough to pick up a pencil he has been creating art. As a child, it started out as Star Wars and has evolved to all the things that he loves today.
In 2005 he made the leap to make being an Artist his full-time profession. Since this time, he has had the opportunity to work with many major companies and movies as well as collaborate with numerous models and actors/actress on pieces. He has also discovered that his passion lies in doing Pin-up and Horror themed art as well as Comic and Sci-Fi/Fantasy art.

Our conversation started out as most talks between friends start. A lot of catching up and shared laughs before we got into the task at hand. My first interview (I told David before hand that I was a little nervous about it. And he let me know that it would be good and we would just have fun. See this is why I chose to interview David.)
First question for David, I think caught him off guard a little. I asked him “Where do you draw inspiration for your art?” After a moment he responded and I must confess I was a surprised by the answer. David told me a tale of how he was inspired by Disney. He was in High School was inspired by Glen Keane is an American animator, author and illustrator. Keane was a character animator at Walt Disney Animation Studios for feature films including The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, and Pocahontas to name a few. David didn’t discover comic until he was older. He also draws inspiration from comic artists Michael Turner and J. Scott Campbell. In recent years, David has taken his Disney inspired style turn into horror. He also said he gets inspired by his artist friends as they are supportive and are like a family to him.

David was so funny and charming telling me stories about his inspirations. But on to the next question.. I was curious to know if David could work with any comic book writer who would he like to work with?
This answer took a bit longer as David thought about it. Finally he let me know. Warren Ellis for his darker side. He also would love to work with more independent writers and the team at IMAGE. Apparently and surprisingly David confessed he is not a huge superhero fan (who knew?) but would love to work with Scott Snider or Todd McFarlane.

My conversation with David was fun and full of antidotes. It was just friends talking but I needed to reign it in, I had a job to do. I had an interview to conduct. Asking David if he were to describe his art in three words to someone who had never seen it, what three words would he use? Without hesitation he responsed with wit and humor, as always. “DISNEY ON CRACK!” he said. Apparently once he drew a Disney version of Cujo, like cute and fluffy with adorable animated style but with blood and stuff. Someone saw it and said it was like Disney on Crack and this description seem to stick for David.
I had one last question for my friend. “How do you deal with scrutiny from other artists or fans?” David explained that typically there isn’t much scrutiny from other artists, “When I go to cons it’s like a family reunion and we are here to support each other as a community not as competition.” That doesn’t mean that David hasn’t had his critics. Especially when he does artistic nudes, implied nudes and pieces of that nature. To some it is hard for them to see this for what it truly is a beautiful form of art. But this criticism never seems to phase David from creating his art. And for that I am glad. Carry on my talented artistic friend.

Thank you David Faught for talking to me and being my first interview. I appreciate you taking time out of your day to talk to this GeekyGirl for her GeekyKOOL readers.
If you want to see David in person in 2019, he will be at these cons:
Branson Con
Texas Frightmare Weekend in May
Also be sure to follow David on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/davidfaughtartistesquire/
Would you like to see more artists featured? And if so who? Please let me know in the comments.
And as always Thanks for reading this Geekygirlness