Colin Baker is best known for his portrayal of the Sixth Doctor. He has recently weighed into the conversation about the choice of Peter Capaldi as the twelve Doctor. He really like the selection of Capaldi and stated hat he has been a fan of his for a long time. He also stated his displeasure in the last few Doctors and being left out of the 50th Anniversary Special. “He’s an actor I’ve admired for years and he’s a grown up! Not like these 12-year-olds we’ve had lately. He’s a guy who’s done something and been somewhere.” (Radio Times)
Baker went on to state that he, Peter Davison, Sylvester McCoy and Paul McGann were not given the opportunity to participate in the Day of the Doctor (50th Anniversary Special). He makes his feeling well known. “None of us have been deemed worthy of inclusion in a program that celebrates 50 years of a British television program, of which I was in it for three. No – we are surplus baggage.” (Radio Times)
I have to admit, I was disappointed that they didn’t pull in more former Doctors to show up in the crossover episode. I understand it might be difficult since these actors are significantly older than they would have been when they regenerated. I hope that was the reason they weren’t included but you would think they could have found a spot for them.
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