We are less than 2 days away from the opening of Trek Con Springfield. Trek Con Springfield is the first full Star Trek Convention to come to Springfield, MO. Here at Geeky KOOL, we have posted about our excitement for Trek Con here and here.
This convention goes from 11 am on Friday May 9th through Sunday May 11 at 6 pm. On Friday and Saturday night, the convention will close at 10 pm.
Geeky KOOL will be covering Trek Con Springfield for all of you that can’t make it. Both the wonderfully gifted Valerie Bogert and I (Larry Litle) will be covering this event. We will bring you photos of the event. There will be posts about the fans, guests, and various events. We are hoping to bring you interviews with some of stars of Star Trek.
If you are in Springfield this weekend, come over to the Springfield Expo Center and join us for the fun. I know we will be having a blast at Springfield’s first all Trek convention.
Stay Geeky My Friends!