One of the benefits of being a member of the Press/Media for Planet Comicon Kansas City is getting to hit the showroom floor early. This enables me to check things out and get the lay of the land before everyone gets to enter. This year I walked by Jimmy Palmiotti and Amanda Connors table before the floor was open. Normally they have a long line for signatures.
Jimmy was hanging out at his table and was friendly. I stopped and talked to him. Amanda had stepped away.
Every interaction I have ever had with Jimmy Palmiotti has been pleasant. Since there was no line, this was phenomenal.
We got talking about loving his job. When he was young, Jimmy had worked his way into a partnership of a business. He was making great money, driving a fast car, and dating a rich girl. When He turned thirty, he decided he didn’t like his job and wanted to follow his dream of working in comics.
He tells how he decided to make very little money but do what he loves instead of chasing the cash and not loving his job.
He stated he loves coming to conventions because of all of the fans. He is thrilled when they love his work. He is happy to meet so many people.
We discussed Jimmy’s new Kickstarter project for Fantasima. Fantasima is a jungle girl story that has more than meets the eye going on. It is a three-issue arc story. It is for mature audiences. Jimmy wife, Amanda Connor, is also working on this comic creation with him.
Amanda came back as the floor was about to open. She was super sweet. I discussed having them come onto an episode of Geeky KOOL Presents soon. They agreed to join us soon.
What a great start to Planet Comicon Kansas City!
Stay Geeky!