Geek and Sundry is a YouTube channel for geeks by geeks. It is the brain child of the cute geeky red head, Felicia Day. This channel already has several shows: Swords and Lazers, a sci fi/ fantasy book review show; The Flog, Felicia video blog of geeky kool things; Dark Horse Motion Comics, comic books that are animated; the acclaimed webseries, The Guild, which is a wonderful series about an MMRPG group (I have written on this recently and love it); and Table Top, Wil Wheaton plays geeky board games with guests. Some of these shows may have cursing and adult themes.
I have watched the first two episodes of Table Top and found this to be a fun show that is worth ones time especially if you like to play games. Wil Wheaton entertains his guests and the viewers with his quick whit and character voices. The video teaches you how to play these game and some the strategy to boot. I thought of my friend Bobby who is a big time board gamer when I watched these episodes.
Check out the below videos. I hope you find these as entertaining as I have.
Felicia’s Intro for Table Top
Small World
Settlers of Catan