Tomorrow evening I will be joining fellow geeks on the Fanatics and the Fan Podcast. We will discuss the upcoming Fall TV line ups, news out of Disneys’ D23 Expo, and a ton of other geek news and discussions. Tune in and listen to all of the discussion (I will post a link as soon as it is available). Brittney Greer of American Wasteland Entertainment (Drifter Web Series and much more) will be another awesome guest. If you haven’t met me in person, this is your opportunity to hear what Larry really sounds like.
I love podcasts and internet radio. I have been a part of both over the years. I ran a monthly comic podcast many years ago. I used to be a part of a couple different sports talk internet radio shows. I cannot wait to be a part of the fabulous Fanatics and the Fan Podcast.
Fanatics and the Fan, is a fun, exciting and in-depth look into the world of science fiction, fantasy, gaming, comics and all things geek. This weekly podcast Hosted by three icons in the Springfield area sci-fi world, hopes to bring you a fun, informative and accurate discussion of today’s Geekdom! (Fanatics and the Fan)
I met the hosts of the Fanatics and the Fan Podcast at LibraryCon in Springfield, MO. They had excellent coverage of this convention. Impressed with their professionalism and how much fun they were having, I knew right away that I wanted to be a guest on their show.
Stay Geeky My Friends!