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Geekykool is at Galaxycon Columbus OH in multiple forms

Geekykool is at Galaxycon Columbus OH in multiple forms

This weekend is GalaxyCon:Columbus, OH and Geekykool is here to cover the con in multiple ways. While geekykool’s crack reporter Jon Tessler will be doing Media, interviewing both celebrities, and indie creators, Geekykool Writer Ashley Grant, will be at the Con as a Literary guest. Ashley released her first full length novel “Empty Cargo” and she has been accepted as a featured writer by the “Pop-Up BookShoppe”.

This will be the first Con that Ashley has attended as a writer selling her novels. Next year she already has been accepted at Galaxycon Richmond, VA. Based on the responses in the Facebook Groups, Ashley should do well at the Con.

The biggest celebrities at this con are Hayden Christian and Kiefer Sutherland. also appearing are Weird Al Yankovic, George Takai, Danny Trejo, Ernie Hudson, and many more.

You can expect at least 2 or 3 reports from the floor of the Con, and maybe some live streaming, if I get time to do so.


Enjoy your weekend, I know i will.

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