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Geoff Johns Video about DC Comics Rebirth

Geoff Johns Video about DC Comics Rebirth

Geoff Johns Video about DC Comics Rebirth
If DC Comics wanted their cryptic Twitter messages about Rebirth to become the speculative discussion of comic book stores, they were successful.  A ton of frustration about DC and another possible reboot spilled out of comic fans around the country.  Would this “Rebirth” lead the comics to line up more with the television and movie versions of the characters?  Would it return DC to the post Crisis world that many fans fondly remember from this strange New 52 Universe?

After ton of speculation, Geoff Johns taped the following video to help se the record straight.  Well, at least a bit in trying to relieve many fears.

Geoff Johns is known for his previous work with a couple of “Rebirth” comics.  The Green Lantern: Rebirth brought back a ton of fan favorite characters including Hal Jordan.  Flash: Rebirth restructured the Flash Universe. Both brought a focus back to the characters and nature of these comics.  Johns hopes to bring these kind of changes to the entire DC Universe.

Check out the video

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