Google is the master of creating awesome Google Doodles to celebrate various anniversaries and birthdays. Today they are celebrating the 66th Anniversary of the Roswell Alien crash or should I say the weather balloon crash. The crash anniversary was actually yesterday and today is the date the paper declared a flying saucer had crashed. It if Geeky FUN to talk about aliens crashing and to play a fun Doodle game– check it out.
I love how it looks like a 1940s movie and is set on a ranch. The crash (supposedly) spread pieces of the U.F.O. all over the ranch near Roswell. Your job is to find the parts and to put your Flying Saucer back together.
Here is the front page from the Roswell Daily Record.

Below is the video of the Doodle and how to solve the doodle. Before you watch it, you should go over to Google and play for yourself. It is a ton of fun. If you get stuck, then check out the below video. It will walk you through how to get your ship back together (without getting captured and dissected by the Air Force–okay that is not in the game but you can pretend)
Stay Geeky my Friends!