Today is Stan “The Man” Lee’s (aka Stanley Martin Lieber as he was born) 90th Birthday. We at Geeky KOOL send our warm wishes and birthday thoughts to Stan Lee. He has been one of my heroes since I was a little kid and it has been a life long dream to some day meet Stan Lee.
For anyone that might not know who Stan Lee is (hard to believe you would read a site like Geeky KOOL and not know Stan Lee), he was a pioneer in the comic book industry in the 50’s and 60’s. He created and co-created many of the Marvel Super Hero characters that we know today. A few of the heroes he created are Spider-Man, Thor, X-Men, Iron Man, and many more.
He helped revolutionize the comic industry with new types of super heroes. He created a super hero family in the Fantastic Four. He created the first teenage-non-side kick hero in Spider-Man. His characters had personalities with quirks and human flaws. This changed the way the world saw super heroes. His writing and editing brought in new comic fans from all over the world including myself.
Happy Birthday Stan! May you have decades further of long and vibrant life. As Stan always says, Excelsior!