Happy Fathers Day to all the fathers out there. We at Geeky KOOL take a minute to honor all the fathers out there. Some fathers are biological fathers with their own children. Some dads are step dads and adopted dads. Other fathers are no actual relation to their “children” but these father are mentors to various kids and adults that need a male role model.
I have been very blessed in my life to have a natural biological father. I didn’t always have good relationship with my father but I knew he loved me. I am very happy that I have developed a good relationship with my Dad over the years.
I have also had several mentor fathers in my life. I have learned a ton from them. I am grateful for all the great male role models I have had in my life.
As a biological father, I am very grateful for the two wonderful children I have. My heart is always excited when they show me love and affection. I also get very excited when they say something geeky or want to watch a geeky movie or show. Neither one of them like everything I do and I happy to let them develop their own tastes. But it is extra KOOL when I can sit down and watch something Geeky with them. I am blessed Dad.
Stay Geeky My Friends!