Happy Veterans Day

Happy Veterans Day

We take a minute to honor our Veterans and Military Personnel on this November 11- U.S. Veterans Day.  We appreciate all your of sacrifices for our freedom.  We have the freedom to pursue our geeky hobbies and obsessions with the knowledge our nation is well protected.

We would also like to recognize all the sacrifices families of our military and veterans have to make.  Many families have lost their spouses, children, and parents because of the ultimate sacrifice of the lives of their loved ones. Other families have to live as their loved ones are off to war or service outside of the USA.  Some families of veterans have to deal with their loved ones being injured or suffering from psychological trauma.  We honor your sacrifice along with the sacrifice of our service men and women.

It saddens our hearts to know how difficult it can be to come back state side after serving our country.  Many of our vets have numerous physical and/or psychological wounds.  One in four homeless individuals are veterans.  As a nation, we need to figure out how to better take care of those that have sacrificed for us.

We hope and pray that our representatives will make it a priority to fix our issues with homelessness and suicides for our veterans. We all need to work together to make it happen without partisan politics.

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