HBO’s Vampire and monster hit series (pun intended), True Blood, will have its final season next year. According to TV Guide, the series seventh season will be the final season. The last season will refocus the series on the relationship between the humans and the vampires.
For fans of this adult geek program, this news is a big blow. In days past, HBO series didn’t have a large following but their newer series like True Blood and Game of Thrones have an extended fanbase. Just check out the over Eleven Million fans just on one of the True Blood Facebook sites.
Most of us geeks have experienced the cancellation of our favorite series (anything KOOL on FOX). Even though I am not personally a fan of this series (lack of exposure to this show), my heart goes out to the fans. But on the bright side, at least you will get an ending and not the Firefly treatment.
Stay Geeky My Friends!