“Heroes, Villains, and Me” is a periodic article on Geeky KOOL by Larry Litle about the world of comic books and my reaction to it. “Heroes, Villains, and Me” is not a comic book review article. I will write about current events, speculation and rumors, or my own wacky thoughts about the world of comic books and related stuff.
I love comic and geek conventions. I enjoy every moment of a good convention. It doesn’t matter if it has a focus on comics or entertainment. It doesn’t matter if it a large convention like Planet Comicon Kansas City or Visioncon. Conventions are awesome but they are exhausting.
I just finished back to back conventions with Planet Comicon Kansas City two weekends ago and Visioncon last weekend. It was a complete blast. Yet it was still completely draining. I am so glad I attended both of them but yet still regret it on a level.
Since Sunday, I have been running on fumes. I come home worn down. I desire to post about my experiences at Visioncon and Planet Comicon Kansas City but I have been unable to focus to write. My mind and body are not actively responding to my will power like it used to do.
I know I will bounce back. I am not sure when. This weekend is a busy weekend so there will be no rest for the weary. I hope to get a little rest even with a house full of guests.
As much as I loved Planet Comicon Kansas City and Visioncon, I don’t think I will do back to back conventions again. I don’t feel like I am giving my best. I am walking around like a zombie.
Geek conventions are wonderful and fatiguing.
Stay Geeky My Friends!