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Heroes, Villains, and Me: Planet ComicCon Kansas City- Kicks Off Convention Season

Heroes, Villains, and Me: Planet ComicCon Kansas City- Kicks Off Convention Season

“Heroes, Villains, and Me” is a periodic article on Geeky KOOL by Larry Litle about the world of comic books and my reaction to it. “Heroes, Villains, and Me” is not a comic book review article. I will write about current events, speculation and rumors, or my own wacky thoughts about the world of comic books and related stuff.

Planet Comicon Kansas City 2018 will kick me off into Convention season early. Normally, Planet Comicon Kansas City isn’t until March or April. Visioncon is usually my first con of the year.  But this year we start the week before in Kansas City, Missouri with Planet Comicon Kansas City 2018.

I am expecting big things from Planet Comicon Kansas City this year.  This convention only gets bigger and better every year.  It is amazing how they have grown and matured as a convention.  It went from a small con into the biggest geek convention in the Midwest.

I am excited as a fan and a reporter for Geeky KOOL and Titans of the Fantastic. As a fan, I am eager to meet and talk to many of the comic creators.  I did a post yesterday about some of the KOOL creators going to be there.  I also am excited as a writer to talk to fellow creators about their craft and possibly set up some interviews.

I am overwhelmed with the various and awesome panels.  I will be covering these all weekend long and trying to post from the panels or right after the panels.  It gets my blood pumping just thinking about it. I will have a plan and gather my list before I head over to Bartlett Hall.  I know that plan will change as the day and weekend goes along and that is just fine.

I will be doing live broadcasts on the Titans of the Fantastic Facebook page through out the weekend.  We will be posting these to Youtube as we can. Geeky KOOL and Titans of the Fantastic will be represented this weekend.

I always get excited for convention time to begin.  It always feels like I have come home to my people when I step into the convention hall for the first time. I can be completely me and completely geeky and everyone is KOOL with it because that is why we are here.  We are fanatics and geeks and nerds.

Stay Geeky My Friends!


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