“Heroes, Villains, and Me” is a weekly article on Geeky KOOL by Larry Litle about the world of comic books and my reaction to it. “Heroes, Villains, and Me” is not a comic book review article. I will write about current events, speculation and rumors, or my own wacky thoughts about the world of comic books.

Man of Steel movie is a huge success for D.C. and Warner Bros. With this success, there are discussions about Warner Bros green lighting a Justice League movie. If DC attempts to build towards a JLA movie like Marvel did with the Avengers, then we can expect to see other superhero movies springing up prior to the JLA movie. Most moviegoers are extremely familiar with Batman and Superman but many of them know very little about the other third of D.C.’s Trinity of heroes: Wonder Woman. A great Wonder Woman movie is needed.
Where do you start with a Wonder Woman movie? What origin story do we tell about Diana since there have been several refittings of her origin? Why does she leave Themyscira (aka Paradise Island)? Does she start her adventures in modern times or do we start her in a previous decade? Does she have her invisible plane? These are all great questions that I have been thinking about.

Many Wonder Woman fans point to the George Perez run starting in 1987 as the best version of her character. Several of my friends would love to see Perez’s origin be the basis for this potential movie. I am a big fan of Perez but I would love to see the movie use aspects of Perez while also playing to her original origin in the 40s. After all the best season of the Wonder Woman TV show with Linda Carter was set in the World War II era.
Wonder Woman is a rich character that goes back to 1941. Much like Marvel’s Captain America, Wonder Woman spent much of her early years fighting Nazi villains. There is a list of KOOL bad guys from the early days.
Here is my proposal for the Wonder Woman movie.

The movie should start with Lois Lane (Amy Adams guest spot) interviewing a World War II veteran, Steve Trevor, who has a story to share with the world. He tells how his fighter plane was shot down over the open ocean. He crash landed on an uncharted island. He was nursed back to health by a group of Amazon women on an Island known of Themyscira (or aka Paradise Island).
I am not particular about the specific origin story of Diana. Each of the origins has their merit. Wonder Woman could just be a member of the Amazon race, which are all super strong. She could be blessed by the Greek gods. She could be the demigod- daughter of Zeus. I was always fond the clay baby being brought to life by the gods. Any of these origins will work as long as they stay consistent with it.
After the Amazons nurse Steve back to health, he will tell them about the war. There is a particular leader of the Nazis, Duke of Deception, who appears to be unstoppable and devastating his troops. Hippolyte, Queen of the Amazons and mother to Diana, recognizes the Duke of Deception as a minor god and one of Mars’ (aka Ares) henchmen. The Amazons have a close relationship with the old Greek gods. Because Mars might be involved in this man’s war, Hippolyte feels the need to send a champion to balance out the Duke’s involvement. This would lead to the Amazon contest where Diana wins the right to be their representative as Wonder Woman (she could be in disguise just like the original story).

As she leaves, she will be given her costume and gifts from the gods including her Magic Lasso of Truth, her Tiara, her indestructible bracelets, and her invisible plane, since Steve Trevor can’t fly. She will be empowered by the gods to bring back Deception. The outfit should be what we consider the traditional costume. Trevor will inform her that women have to wear skirts (original costume had a skirt.
The second half of the movie should focus on some KOOL World War II action. Wonder Woman should rescue military men that are as shocked to see a woman in battle as they are to see someone with these extraordinary abilities. She will win them over and eventually lead them into battle against the Duke of Deception. The final battle scene should have a lot of tanks, planes, explosions and great battle scenes.

After capturing Deception, Diana returns to Themyscira to stand trial. Steve tries to convince her to return with him because he has feelings for her. She informs him that she is immortal and will no age like he does. She also tells him how horrible women are treated in this man’s world.
The movie should end with Lois Lane searching for Themyscira. She desires to show the Amazons that the Man’s world has changed and they should join the United Nations. This would set up Wonder Woman’s appearance in the Justice League movie.
Tell me what you think. Where would you go with the movie?
Stay Geeky my Friends!