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Heroes,Villains,and Me: I want To Be A Superhero

“Heroes, Villains, and Me” is a weekly article on Geeky KOOL about the world of comic books and my reaction to it. “Heroes, Villains, and Me” is not a comic book review article. I will write about current events, speculation and rumors, or my own wacky thoughts about the world of comic books.


From the time I was a little kid, I have wanted to be a superhero. My father read comic books back then and he still does. I loved sitting down with him and looking at the pictures.  I have dreamed of being a superhero ever since.

I love the idea of wearing a costume.  Masks and capes are KOOL. I realize I would not look good in spandex at this point in my life. I would love to get into CosPlay and dress up but I have little extra cash and no sowing talent.

My daughter loves costumes.  As you can see from the above picture, she loves hamming it up with her younger brother’s mask and cape. She wants to create her own appropriate Black Widow costume.

My four year old son told me a few months ago that he wants to be Spider-Man when he grows up.  He is clearly my son. Spider-Man has always been my favorite and I wanted to be Spidey when I grow up.

I really believe my family would be the Incredibles if we could. We would love super powers.  If only science could speed up and create the super serum.  Just give me a KOOL super power and not the ability to talk to fish.

It is a blast to think about being a superhero.  I have always wanted to be one.  I may never get to be a super but I can always dream. h

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