My three year old son is a big fan of Laura Numeroff’s children’s books. She wrote “If You Give A Mouse A Cookie”, “If You Give A Moose A Muffin” and several other children’s books. Recently, I was reading “If You Give A Mouse A Cookie” to my son and I got inspired. What if I spoofed it with “Wookiee” instead of “Cookie”. This started the below Star Wars mash up with the Numeroff books. It is not perfect but I wanted to share. I may still change it in the future. But it was a blast to write (yes pun intended).
All rights are reserved on this story. No copying without direct permission. I do not plan to make any monetary gain from this story. It was for pure fun.
The Story is based on “If You Give A Mouse A Cookie” by Laura Numeroff. All Rights are reserved for Wookiees and Star Wars references to Lucas Films and Disney Cooperation.

If you give a Scoundrel a Wookiee
By Larry Litle 1-28-2013
If you give a Scoundrel a Wookiee
He will probably ask for a ship to go with it
He might want to name it after a bird of prey
He will ask for an Audubon book
You will give him your mom’s best bird book
He will thumb through it quickly
He could end up with a paper cut
He will want a band aid out of the bathroom
While in there, he notices he is scruffy looking
This reminds him of a bounty hunter he knew
He will panic because of his death mark
He might run out of the house with full payment
Outside, he will see a Princess in need of rescue
He may asked for a ship to rescue her
And if you give him a ship,
He will probably ask for a wookiee to go with it.