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Interview with Guardians/ Gilmore Girls Actor Sean Gunn (Branson Con Interview)

Interview with Guardians/ Gilmore Girls Actor Sean Gunn (Branson Con Interview)

I recently sat down with actor Sean Gunn at Branson Con.  Sean is best know for his roles on the Guardians of the Galaxy and Avengers movies. He is also know for his role as Kirk on the Gilmore Girls.

Sean was very polite and friendly.  He was a pleasure to talk to about acting and his craft.  He was gracious to sit down for an interview with a small press like Geeky KOOL.

Below is our interview with Sean.  I believe you will see the the humility and thoughtfulness in his words.  I left the interview impressed with Sean and his character.

This interview was prior to James Gunn (Sean’s Brother) being re-hired by Disney/ Marvel Cinematic Universe to make Guardians of the Galaxy 3.

GK (Geeky KOOL): We would like to thank you Sean for taking the time to meet with us. Especially as smaller press, these interviews are hard to come by.

SG (Sean Gunn): Well of course. You are welcome. 

GK: It has been reported that Guardians 3 is on.

SG: I think the way I would say it is different.  Everyone is very optimistic that Guardians will get on the way. But there is not specific plans yet but we are hoping for some news about that very very soon.

GK: (Trying to clarify my understand)  I read that the execs of Disney had stated Guardians 3 has now been green lighted.

SG: It has been informally said it is a go. Kevin Fiege and the actors have said we are going to make it. But it is the second stuff that comes after that hasn’t happened yet.

GK: So it is as much of a go as anything in Hollywood until all of the official pieces are put into place.

SG: That is right.

GK: Your character (in Guardians) is Kraglin. He is a member of the  A-Chiltarians race in the comics.

SG: In the movies he is not.  In the movies he is a humanoid. He is actually a Xandarian, which we don’t specifically see in the movies. My brother has talked about it before with me. We have talked about his backstory.

GK: That is fascinating.  I was going to ask you if at sometime we would see him turn blue since the A-Chiltarians are blue and furry.

SG: (Laughing) I don’t believe there are any plans for that.

GK: Kraglin was Yondu’s right hand man.  With Yondu dead, who do you imagine your character going and growing in the next movie? I know you don’t know until you read the script.

SG: That is true.  It is hard for me stay out of the game of wanting something to happen. I am very respectful of the storytelling process until I know what happens next then I sort of jump in. I do think it makes sense that Kraglin is on the ship with the Guardians when Guardians 2 ends.  We know his entire fleet of (pauses) Everyone that was on Kraglin’s ship is gone at the end of Guardians 2. I think whether he goes and joins another Ravager group or somehow stays with the Guardians somehow in some capacity. That all remains to be seen.

GK: You are the onset Rocket.

SG: I am.

GK: What is it like being a character that will be taken out of the movie for CGI  and  you know that you are there for people to act with?

SG: It is interesting.  You know I had never done it before. The way that Rocket came about was very unusual. The process is not something we had done for other characters before. You know, my brother James, who was writing and directing the first movie knew he needed somebody that he trusted to play Rocket on set so the other actors had another actor to work off of.  Instead of looking at a tennis ball on a stick or whatever. I just started doing it. He hired me to do it in rehearsals. I got down on my hands and knees and started doing it and that is what worked. I ended up doing that for both Guardian movies.

After that, Kevin Fiege and Jeremy Latcham approached me at San Diego Comic Con in 2016. They said, “We are doing these Avengers movies. We are doing two back to back Infinite War movies and we really need you to do Rocket.” Of course I said yes. I sent another whole year doing Rocket on the Avengers movies.

It has been such a big part of my career now.  I have gotten to work with tons of interesting people. I am proud of the work I do. But you are right. It is not my face. It is not my voice. I don’t ultimately play the character. I just sorta assist in the character’s creation. But I enjoy doing it. Hopefully I am as helpful as I can be. I would like to think my participation makes the character that much fuller so I am proud of that.

GK: Dave Bautista was publicly very upset with Disney after letting your brother go from Guardians 3. He made a lot of comments about not wanting to continue with Guardians and Disney. You mentioned the cast is pretty much interested in Guardians 3. Is he on board for the third one?

SG: I think that is a question you would have to have for Dave.  I love Dave Bautista. I don’t deny him his right to say whatever he is going to say.  He is a strong dude. He is a loyal guy. I fully support Bautista 100%. We will have to see what happens once we know a little bit more about the movie as it comes together.  I cannot comment on that one way or another because I don’t want to break any new on Dave’s behalf.

GK: Speaking of your brother being let go from Disney, what kind of emotional impact was that on you? I know you guys are close and have been working together.  

SG: Well you know. (pausing) It is hard to compartmentalize that.  There is the personal aspect where I am concerned about my brother.  I want to make sure he is okay. There is my own personal connection to it. There is my professional connection to it which is that I was planning on going to spend a half year of my life making this movie that was all of a sudden upended that we were going to make.

I think it is important to make a distinction between the types of people that came out of the woodwork while that was going on with my brother. There were people that were offended by things he had said in the past and I don’t begrudge anybody that.

But then there were people who were claiming all sorts of outrageous thing (pauses) that his old tweets were not just jokes but were indicative of some sort of behavior.  That is just absurd! Everybody knows that is absurd. I believe that is manufactured outrage. I don’t believe that was real or that those people were actually upset about it. It was people trying to take him down.

I just try to stay out of all of that stuff. You know, I am an actor. I don’t want my name in the paper. I want to be going from role to role. Or if my name is in the paper, I want it to be for the job I am doing.

It is hard to give you in a short answer how I felt about all of that. But I do know that every single person involved has a different set of people that are relying on them to make good decisions. From everyone involved in the film-making process to the people all the way up to the top of Disney, who are in charge of running a company. I don’t know anything about running a large company like Disney. I am not going to pretend I know what sort of decisions they should have made. I do know that lingering effect is I felt terrible about fans being possibly deprived of a movie that I think they all really want to see. That is why I am hoping we will all jump in and still make it. I am very hopeful that will happen. But mostly I just want to act, you know.

GK: With your brother going over to the DCEU on Suicide Squad, and I am not asking you to break any news, if there is a character you can play on Suicide Squad, who would you like to play.

SG: I tend to be at his disposal there.  I don’t think there is any big role in Suicide Squad for me. But is there a little role here or there that he may need me for? If he ask then I will certain jump at the chance to do it.  There are certain roles that I turn down at this stage of my career but not my brother. If he wants me to do it, I will do it.

GK: Thank you, Sean, again for you time and meeting with me. 

SG: You are very welcome. 

I hope you, our readers, enjoyed the interview as much as I did.

Stay Geeky!

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