“Heroes, Villains, and Me” is a periodic article on Geeky KOOL by Larry Litle about the world of comic books and my reaction to it. “Heroes, Villains, and Me” is not a comic book review article. I will write about current events, speculation and rumors, or my own wacky thoughts about the world of comic books.

I know this sound familiar. It should sound familiar to any comic fans. Batman is dead and Gotham City needs a Batman. It cannot survive without a Batman patrolling the city.
Just a few years ago, Bruce Wayne was killed in the Final Crisis by the Omega Beams of Darkseid. Well, he was only mostly dead. He was sent back in time and had to fight his way back. But in the meantime, Dick Grayson aka Robin (#1) aka Nightwing, took over the mantle. Many people were enjoying the Dick Grayson version of Batman but Bruce did come back and take back the identity.
In DC’s Divergence event, Bruce died at the hand of the Joker. I believe they both killed each other in their fight.
Now Gotham is without a Batman. Why not call on Dick once again. He did a great job last time. Nope, we can’t do that. Now we are calling on Commissioner Gordon to take on the persona of Batman.
But Commissioner Gordon is older and he hasn’t been trained by Batman? That doesn’t matter. We will put him robotic Batman suit and call him Batman.
This might be stroke of genius. This could grow the character of Commissioner Gordon in unique and great ways. This might give him a greater appreciation for what Batman has to go through.
Yet, this seems like such a forced move. Why would this ever happen? If Batman is dead, and we know he will not be dead for long, the replacement of Batman with Gordon seems extremely unlikely. There are numerous other characters including all of the former Robins that could become Batman. But that is comics for you.
Stay Geeky My Friends!