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John Romita Sr Passed Away

John Romita Sr Passed Away

Comic Book icon, creator, and artist John Romita Sr passed away on Tuesday June 13, 2023.  According to his also comic artist son, John Romita Jr, Romita Sr passed away peacefully in his sleep at 93 years old.

Romita Sr replaced Steve Ditko as the artist on The Amazing Spider-Man in 1966.  Romita Sr went on to co-create Wolverine, Punisher, and Mary Jane Watson.  He drew one of my favorite comic scenes of all time where Mary Jane is revealed with “Face it tiger, you just hit the jackpot.”

Romita Jr, whom I have met, called his father “a legend in the art world and it would be my honour to follow in his footsteps”.

Rest in Peace, Mr Romita Sr.  Your art is a prize in my comic collection.  You are missed.

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