DC Comics has announced that their Justice League of America comic will be changing their name and location. Next Spring, the JLA will become JusticeLeague of Canada. They are going north of the border eh! It will be written by Canada’s own Jeff Lemire.
This incarnation of Justice League of America is not the Justice League comic with Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman. That would be the comic named Justice League. The Justice League of America is a group with Steve Trevor, Martian Manhunter, Green Arrow, Hawkman, Catwoman, the new Green Lantern Simon Baz, Stargirl, Katana and Vibe (via wikipedia). They are controlled by the government and is headed by Amanda Waller. The JLA is in place to take down the regular Justice League, if they go rogue. Both groups are in the midst of a big crossover battle in the Trinity War along with the Justice League Dark. DC almost has as many Justice League teams as Marvel has Avengers teams (but not quite).
The results of the Trinity War and upcoming Villains Month and Forever Evil will lead to this mammoth change in the JLA to be the JLC.
The Justice League of Canada will not be comics first Canadian super hero team. Marvel has had the Canadian team of the Alpha Flight for decades. They guest appeared in X-Men comics for years and they got their own series in the 80’s. Heck, The Guardian’s (their leader) costume is a Canadian flag.
Some people are upset about the Justice League of America is becoming the Justice League of Canada. People often forget that Canada is a part of America. They are not a part of the United States of America but our neighbors to the north are just as much Americans as we are. Heck, so are our neighbors in Brazil. The Americas are the whole western hemisphere.
This concept for the changes to the team does remind me of the Detroit years of the Justice League back in the early 80s. I wouldn’t call it their finest moments but they did introduce some KOOL characters. We will wait and see how it plays out in Canada, Eh!
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