I first came across Legion of Leia on May the Fourth (Be With You). The Legion of Leia is a movement page on Facebook and on Twitter (@LegionofLeia) to help promote women in science fiction. They want to promote both actresses and the more behind the scenes professions. They asked for people to change their Profile Picture on Twitter to a picture of Princess Leia and I did happily comply.
This movement was brought on by the announcement of just two leading women in the new Star Wars movie. Jenna Busch, well known geek writer and Star Wars fan, took notice. She examine the lack of other female professionals in the sci fi movie world and started this movement.
On numerous occasions, we have discussed the issues that women face in the geek community. We know that some men are not accepting of ladies in the sci fi and geeky communities. Here at Geeky KOOL, we will help promote women in the wonderful world of science fiction.
“Our mission is to promote women in sci-fi. Not just more female characters in Star Wars: Episode VII, but writers, directors, producers and more.”
Make sure to check out Jenna Busch on her Blog Girl Meets Lightsaber and on twitter @JennaBusch. You can follow Legion Of Leia on Facebook and @LegionofLeia.
Stay Geeky My Friends!