Lucifer which aired on Fox for 3 seasons before being cancelled has been resurrected from the dead, as streaming powerhouse Netflix has agreed to pick up the show for a 4th season. The cancellation shocked and disappointed fans of the show, who created a massive twitter campaign to save the show. With more than 9 million tweets/retweets and backing from the shows star Tom Ellis, the fans hard work has paid off.
Netflix has agreed to air 10 episodes in a new season with filming to begin sometime around August. After the season 3 cancellation, Fox aired 2 episodes that were originally slated to be part of the upcoming season. ShowRunners Joe Henderson and Ildy Modrovich thanked the fans for their support and stated they will get right down to business and talking to Netflix about any parameters that may change but they expect to have added flexibility with the show on Netflix.
Apparently Tom Ellis was called and told “sharpen your horns”. No idea of a release date, but this is one show i am glad to see back on the air.