One of the KOOLest scenes in Avengers: Age of Ultron has Black Widow dismounting the QuinJet on a motorcycle. Black Widow is wicked on two wheels. She completely steals this scene in Age of Ultron. Yet Marvel, Mattel, and Hasbro seemed to have forgotten it or conveniently ignored it.
Both Hasbro and Mattel have toys based on this scene in the movie. But neither one has Natasha, aka Black Widow, but rather replaces her. Mattel went with Iron Mon on the motorcycle (as seen above). Why in the world would Iron Man need a motorcycle? It makes no sense at all. This is a stupid toy that you can’t even reproduce the scene in the movie.
Hasbro went with Captain America on the bike (as seen below). Okay, Cap did ride a motorcycle in the beginning of the movie. That part would be KOOL if the toy didn’t include the QuinJet with it. Captain America is awesome on the bike but why not have a Black Widow on a different bike with the QuinJet? After all, that is what happened in the movie.
The toys companies seem to be dwelling on the past. Superhero toys used to be thought of as toys for boys. That is such an out date line of complete bull. Girls love superheroes just as much as boys. Girls love to play with all the characters. But they want to have some girl hero toys to play with also. We are doing a huge dis-service to half the population.
Marvel has a part of the blame in this. They allow these companies to only create toys based on the male heroes. They have a great character and actress in Black Widow and Scarlett Johansson but they haven’t set a Black Widow solo movie. My 14 year old daughter complained after seeing Avengers: Age of Ultron about no Black Widow movie. She is correct~ this is ridiculous.
My daughter was very excited when I bought her a Black Widow Funko Pop from C2E2. Black Widow is her favorite superhero. She has a hard time finding any merchandise with Black Widow. Black Widow is a freaking Avenger. This should be a cake walk to find Black Widow stuff. Instead, it is extremely difficult. What are you people thinking?
Dear Marvel, Mattel, and Hasbro, time to get your heads out of your rears. You are leaving out a huge group of people. Girls like comics, superhero flicks, toys, and T-shirts. Take a page out of Funko’s book and get with it. Black Widow and all the female super hero and villains need their due. Treat their characters like you would Captain America, Iron Man, and Spidey, and you will see a whole new line of profits.
Stay Geeky My Friends!