I remember reading the Contest of Champions three issue miniseries from Marvel back in 1982. I loved the story by Mark Gruenwald that pitted various heroes against each other for a contest between the cosmic entities known as the Grandmaster and Death. It has wonderful art by with art by John Romita, Jr. (one of my all time favorites) and Bob Layton. This mini series was a precursor to the original Secret Wars with heroes pitted against each other.
I know Marvel has a popular android and iOS game with the same name. The premise is similar. The heroes are pitted against each other.
The new Marvel ongoing series will be in the same vain. It will be written by Al Ewing and the artist will be Paco Medina. The comic will coincide with the game. But the comics will not be reliant on the game or an adaption of the game.
(via Marvel.com)
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